Kevin in Home Alone movie eating junk food

What To Do When You Eat Junk Food: Shout like Kevin

A Proposed Atomic Habit Baby Step *wink

by Deborah Bass

I’m finally getting around to reading the profoundly popular Atomic Habits. I’m on page 66 where the author, James Clear, talks about The 1st Law: Make it Obvious.

…The first step to changing bad habits is to be on the lookout for them. If you feel like you need extra help, then you can try Pointing-and-Calling in your own life. Say out loud the action that you are thinking of taking and what the outcome will be. If you want to cut back on your junk food habit but notice yourself grabbing another cookie, say out loud, “I’m about to eat this cookie, but I don’t need it. Eating it will cause me to gain weight and hurt my health.” Hearing your bad habits spoken aloud makes the consequences seem more real.”

Good to know. Sounds useful.

Cut to Super Bowl day.

I stand in my kitchen having just wolfed down chocolate, pizza, chips and dips, and homemade-for-the-first-time-ever Ina Garten’s Frozen Key Lime Pie (because I’m having a party and Ina is a sure bet). Now I want to indulge in Ina’s Rum Raisin Rice Pudding (I made two desserts because what if my guests don’t like one or the other? Or what if my efforts fail? We’d be dessertless!).

I know I’m a glutton, Super-Bowl-party-at-my-house excuse or not.

Feeling guilty, I recall Clear’s directions, but suddenly remember the scene in the movie Home Alone where little Kevin, home, alone, and basking in his new found freedom by indulging in a tray full of ice cream and candy while watching an R-rated movie, shouts to the empty house:

“Guys, I’m eating junk and watching rubbish, you better come out and stop me!”



And so I try it.

I know this is not exactly what the author meant, but it seems like it could be helpful. I majored in music and theater in high school so this exercise is a good fit for me.

I stand defiant in the center of my kitchen flanked by the dishwasher and the stove. Fists down, I tilt my head up to the universe and shout out loud my infraction just like little Kevin.

“Hey, universe! I’m eating Ina’s Rum Raisin Rice pudding even though I’ve already eaten some Frozen Key Lime Pie and a bunch of other stuff!”
Shouting seems essential because instinctually we know that whomever we are confessing to is out of ear shot. 

And I felt different. Well, silly, yeah…. But I did hesitate.

Of course I need to add on to my declaration why my action is detrimental, as well as the consequences, but, baby steps.

With this new habit, success is possible. Surely, I’ll reduce the amount of rubbish I consume. For example, maybe I won’t wolf down cookies when have to shout it to the universe that I know better, and yet I’m doing it anyway. It’s embarrassing.

So, who’s with me?

Let the shouting begin!

Wishing you all productive habits,



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