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Voting for US President in 2020 | Your Ballot May Not Let You

by Deborah Bass

Today, I received a notification from the elections division in the California county where I live.

It read:

Do you want to vote for President on March 3, 2020? Because you are registered as No Party Preference (non-partisan), the ballot mailed to you will not contain candidates for President unless you

  • re-register at gov with the party of your choice to receive a ballot with those presidential candidates; OR
  • Return this card to request a ballot from parties allowing No Party Preference voters to vote in their primary by December 31, 2019. This one-time request will not change your party preference.

I chose to re-register. The process is simple. Choose “register” and the form will allow you to choose “re-register”.

If you forgot if you are registered or don’t remember your affiliation, to to

You can also opt to receive your ballots in the mail. You’ll get them early and can vote in your jammies with your coffee. It doesn’t get easier! Then just drop it in the mail.

Every vote counts, no matter the ballyhoo.

Again, register or re-register here.

Won’t you join me?

American Flag Photo by Lucas Sankey on Unsplash

Scrabble VOTE photo by Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay 

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