Just this week, I’ve worn my Uggs* and my fuzzy sweater, my open-toed sandals, and my boots and wool sweater. The weather has delighted us with cold and rain (my favorite), sunshine, as well as summer-like days—from 55-to 85-degree days. I dread the hot-weather days ahead. I know, I know. I stand in the minority for loving the dark, rainy days.
I’ve always said I like the minor, more serious notes in life.
Spring traditionally signals hope, growth, and inspiration and I truly wish those hold true, though the relentless wonky world stirs me doubtful.
But we can always count on flowers to force us into a thankful, gleeful respite from any staleness or gloom.
Just look at these beauties blooming in my backyard in all their glory! Daisies always take the stage first—scene stealers, hogging all the attention as the only bloomers in sight for a while. They are like the child who, when given a handful of sweets, eats them all in one gulp, leaving nothing for later. The flowers are quick to bloom, short lived, but deliciously plentiful. The ivy geraniums are like the quiet, patient child, savoring their sweet loot, consistently doling out bits of sweetness all the way to winter.
And the garden is just getting started!
Behind the scenes, various plants are still getting their act together. Soon the purple bursts of agapanthus will signal it’s June. Pink and blue hydrangeas will soften the stucco walls of my home and peep around to the kitchen and dining room windows. The lemon trees—the only allowed yellow color in my yards, because, you know…they’re LEMONS—are a must in the yard (and our diets) and well worth breaking my color rules.
So much glory! And still so much to come!
Helloooooooo, Spring!
What’s blooming in your yards?
- Pink ivy geraniums
- Purple daisies
- Bright fuchsia ivy geraniums
- White Camellia
- Red Perfecto Azalea Flowering Shrub
- Purple hellebore
- Cyclamen
- Cyclamen
- Cyclamen in my herb garden
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