How Wild Birds Gave Me the Best Apple Crop Ever

For the first time in 26 years, my apple tree produced green apples with nary a wormhole at harvest time. Every one remained perfect, unblemished and worm-free when I snapped it from its limb.

We don’t use pesticides around our house, so usually all the apples get ruined by pests. I prefer to enjoy all the wildlife—butterflies, birds, raccoons, squirrels, opossums, and other critters—over eating apples.

But something glorious happened!

I defied the worm gods unwittingly by changing only one thing.

All day long, various birds—songbirds, sparrows, finches, swallows, and others, swoop in a spry and jazzy rhythm snatching pests from the yard. They dive bomb the lawn, peck at the flower stems and leaves, and nibble at the shrubs. They even hover at the stucco to snatch spiders from their webs. Their meal is my pest control.

Nature produces the most exhilarating musical! Many of the birds come for the Nyjer seed and clean bath I provide, and others for the pest buffet.

First, rats and mice aren’t attracted to it like they are other bird seeds. Years ago I hung a bird feeder with typical bird seed that attracted rats to my yard and they covertly destroyed my 10-man spa. The seeds also rooted weeds everywhere. What a mess!

Nyjer seed will not germinate in our yards since the USDA requires that all Nyjer seed imported to this country be heat-treated to sterilize the seed. It’s a win for us and a win for the birds. After trying several brands, I settled on Wagner’s Nyjer in a 20-pound bag from Amazon. They offer the best product at the best price. And with a Prime account, shipping is free. The bag features a re-sealable zipper to keep in the freshness—Nyjer seed can easily dry out. I carry the large bag in a bucket for easy transport to the feeders.

My favorite and The removable base makes cleaning easy, the seed stays dry in a gentle rain, and many birds can feed at the same time.

Nyjer seed, also called thistle seed, is a gourmet seed. It can attract a swarm of beautiful lesser goldfinches, American goldfinches, and pine siskins. Doves and sparrows also feed daily on the seeds that fall to the ground. It’s a regular garden party!

Wild birds are the best natural pesticide all the while providing beauty and song to my yard.

Nature is a brilliant and perfect design.

Wild birds at my bird feeder

Organic green apples from my yard


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Maureen Hatfield May 11, 2019 - 3:01 pm
Deborah, thank you for your duggestjon. I have up bird feeding many years ago for the very same reason you discuss! Very informative, thank you, maybe time to try again - without weeds, or vermin!
Deborah Bass May 16, 2019 - 6:10 am
I hope you enjoy the birds as much as I do. My yards are so full of life now!
Shaun May 15, 2019 - 12:27 pm
I never thought of that! I get harvestmen, spider looking bugs all around my front door and spiders because of the light and resulting bugs at night. I’ve taken to squashing and brushing them off every morning before work but now ill just put in a bird feeder. I’m sure the kiddos will love that!
Deborah Bass May 16, 2019 - 6:07 am
It's so fun to watch the birds dart about. And now I'm learning to identify them and recognize them by their songs. And this year, doves have moved in. Their coos are as steady and soothing as a trickling stream. Birds and feeders are not the perfect solutions, but they've enhanced my life greatly.

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