Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

Exrtremely Loud and Incredibly Close 591x394

I confess, the first time I watched this movie, I didn’t like it. I felt Thomas Horn’s performance as the young protagonist overwrought and abrasive.

But, something drew me back and after subsequent viewings

Perhaps my initial angst against it had to do with its 9/11 backdrop.

Oh, dear, I know where this is going. 

Except I didn’t.

But, had I known the subject, I wouldn’t have watched it.

Ergo, the conundrum: watch movies based on trailers, sound bites or synopsis to learn if it’s a movie I should devote time to, but therefore taint my experience outside the intended storytelling process—or—risk a few hours and watch movies as the writer and director intended, with no biases on my part.

First, I can’t un-know what I’ve seen and heard before watching a movie and that affects how I experience the story. Show me scenes of a character on an island in a story about a dangerous sea journey and my angst for him to survive vanishes. I already know he doesn’t drown. Good for him but I’ve been robbed of a thrilling experience.

Second, I risk missing an engaging or even awed experience because I’ve predetermined which movie subjects I do and don’t like. Like movies about tragic events where I slump in protest of their sadness before I’ve even given them a chance to be otherwise.

I caution against reading a movie review in a movie review about how not reading a review made a difference. But if your curiosity wins, stay with me.

The best ones nestle in our minds and resurface unwittingly—a captivating experience every time.

Nominated for two Oscars, this 2011 movie won eight awards and earned 23 nominations.


Writers: (screenplay),(novel)



Sound Track:

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Bombshell | Spry Sparrow January 9, 2020 - 6:59 am
[…] I won’t reveal much information about the movie so as to not spoil the adventure for others. Read why here. […]
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